How We Work

A process with purpose.

We’ve created a sprint consulting model as a direct response to the COVID crisis and are using it to effectively and rapidly serve Vermont businesses.

Our team brings diverse perspectives and specialities to the table for a holistic approach to the unique challenges businesses are facing in this historic moment.

Our rapid-response model is focused on efficiency and execution. We’re here to get to work and actually make a difference for you - not just talk about it.

Phase 1

Intensive Need Finding.

Our team of collaborators is ready to dig in and get to work. First, you’ll tell us a bit about you, then we’ll work together to understand your current business challenges and opportunities.

Phase 2

Rapid Solution Prototyping.

Next, your business will be assigned a team of experts. Together, we’ll set goals, identify risks and costs and build a plan for success.

Phase 3


Now we really get to work. This is where the plan comes to life. Need a website? We build it. Need pictures? We take them. A communication plan? Yup, we do that, too.